Pixelation happens when an image displayed on a monitor (TV, VGA, LCD, etc...) is stretched beyond its intended resolution, this causes the individual pixels themselves to be enlarged, making the image look blocky and generally bad.
I got this porn MPG on my computer, it was 320x240 so when I put it in full screen, it got so pixelated I couldn't see it well enough to get hard.
by sextypething November 25, 2003
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v. To get stoned, drunk or other wise faded or keyed.
Me and the buds got so pixelated last night. We were totally keyed.
by Bob Xor December 16, 2003
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Verb: To add an item to a digital calendar or address book. Similar to "pencil" or "pen" something into an appointment book.
Let me pixel you into my Google Calendar
by some jeff October 15, 2011
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A generic term for a female who falls within the late teens to twenty-something age range and therefore cannot be comfortably described as a girl, nor a woman.

Often used to avoid such words as: bird, chick, babe, lady, or young woman.
Did you see that pixel? She was adequately attractive.
by bluecomplex March 2, 2010
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Putting an image on a digital monitor for your visual confirmation, pleasure, etc.
-"Hey Boo, I just got a tattoo on my breast."
-"Oh, yeah? Pixelate it."

-"Doctor! My herp is flaring up again!"
- "Nurse, can you please pixelate it for me?"

-"Son, when I was your age we used to masterbate to Playboys."
-"That must have been rough! Nowadays, they pixelate it."

-"I want to have cyber sex with you."
-"Pixelate it."
by Amphiobnoxious March 1, 2010
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A Video Game Graphics Style That Was Used In Games Like Pac-man, Kirby, Mario, And Alot Of Other Old School Games
Guy 1: Hey, Look At My Pixel Art
Guy 2: Cool!
by a guy that likes urban June 6, 2015
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