When someone fucks something up so bad at work that it can't be sold any more.
Travis really Petersoned that unit of plywood today.
by ham wallet lover August 6, 2011
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Petersoned adj. (pee-tur-sunned)
Meaning: When you receive poor quality and/or unsatisfactory tech support from your ISP. Also can be used to describe one's ability to cling to a job without getting fired for ineptitude.
"Man, that customer got petersoned really bad."

"We have a new company policy to prevent us from getting petersoned."
by 5thgear August 29, 2008
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Peterson is a lovely last name to have and it comes from Scottish heritage.
This name is not to be used as a reference to an explosion in the toilet.
Peterson is used as a sir name.
by AceSummersAWriter January 31, 2017
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The act of making love to a women, then immediately afterward when asked if you love her and suddenly coming to the conclusion that you do not, respond with a short pause, a shake of the head, and a resounding yet quiet, "no" simultaneously breaking up with her... you then drive her home.
Justin pulled The Peterson on his girlfriend. The ride home was very awkward.
by Urban-Dick-Tionary September 23, 2009
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“There are currently 3 men with the last name of Peterson, who have been accused or convicted of murdering their wives. There will be more.....”
by I figured it out May 22, 2018
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The act of absolutely desecrating a toilet bowl with the most horrific, ultra-violent, sinus melting magma shit possible.
From the vineyard in Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia, where a malevolent arse explosion unlike any ever before it, made the toilet unusable for weeks.
I totally Peterson'd you're shit-throne my frind, I'm sorry. I ate shellfish from the bin last night.
by Flapjackandy November 10, 2007
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A word used to express anger in an unfortunate situation
I failed my bio quiz...PETERSON!!!
by TJ Ferguson December 9, 2008
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