To be fooled. To anticipate something and being let down. Someone or something psyching you out. An event or action reaching climax and nothing happens. The origin of this comes from when your pants are around your ankles, and a prostitute begins to give head. Then just when you are about to pop, she stops and walks away. Then you start to run after her like a penguin because your pants are still around your ankles, and sadly shouting come back.
I thought the bus would stop for us, but we just got penguined. I thought I knew who the killer was, but the movie penguined me because I was wrong.
by Step On My Cubes June 3, 2010
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The penguin is a mysterious sexual act that involves a rotten fish and an umbrella.
For my 17th birthday dad let me be penguined on moms lap.

He really got penguined behind the wal mart.
by Reid Street Gang May 6, 2009
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When two or more people try and stand as close together as possible with both hands in their pockets to avoid cold weather and strong winds.
This form of behavior is inspired by the Emperor Penguins, who form a big huddle (also known as the turtle formation) to avoid the extreme cold.
The participants will push themselves closer and closer to the group’s shifting center to keep warm.
“It’s so cold and windy. Let’s penguin to keep warm.”
“Look at that group of people penguining. I wish I could join them.”
“I’m freezing! Shall we penguin?”
by Doram Jacoby and Ellie Brill January 28, 2019
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The process where we lose our ability to preform certain skills because of an over reliance of tools that we have created. e.g. calculators, computers, iTouch, etc. This happened when penguins stopped flying and they lost the ability to fly after a certain amount of time that had passed.
We were once able to add numbers visually at great speed, but have lost the ability due to the introduction of calculators is an example of penguinization. Cell phones with speed dial is another example of no longer remembering anyone's phone number because we access numbers electronically rather than relying on our memory.
by Icchok January 27, 2010
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Typically done by prostitutes and crack whores. This means to remove a man's pants to his ankles and then run off with his money leaving him waddling after you like a penguin.
Man 1:"Dude, you got 5 bucks I can borrow?"
Man 2:"I'm totally broke. Last night this crack whore gave me the penguin."
by AnnaleseLover March 14, 2006
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