(Verb) 1. A lull in conversation (usually conference calls, video chats, or other group meeting scenarios) due to technical difficulties.

2. An excuse from participating in unsavory recreational activities that are technologically driven.
Sorry for parsing just now, IT doesn’t have their shit together.

No Denise, I can’t spotify and sidehug because my (insert technical device here) is parsing.
by Tricountytreecare April 18, 2019
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verb. to actively comprehend, to make sense of. To understand as a result of effort, as opposed to understanding intuitively. A derivative of the computer and linguistics term "parse," to analyze data or a sentence for structure, content, and meaning. Most frequently used in parody of a hypothetical error message generated by a computer that was fed nonsensical data, eg, "Does Not Parse."
She obviously had no idea what I was talking about. She just kept staring at me blankly, like 'does... not... parse...'
by awibs June 13, 2010
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To elaborate on a certain word(s). To explain a term away gramatically.
Brutha: "Fo shizzle my hizzle nizzle bizzle"
Me: "Parse away some of those izzles you fucking nigger!"
by Psychic Fat Man October 15, 2003
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System.out.println("Weapon Choice:");
weapon = Integer.parseInt(Input.readLine());
by LarstaiT November 5, 2003
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Any adjective, ever.
Stemming from the term "Parser" which is a computer term.
You can effectively place parse in any sentence, in place of any adjective.
I can't wait get home to parse this big mac.

I would totally parse her all around town.

(When explaining your plans for the day) Does that.. parse?
by disco/lemonade May 21, 2009
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Person 1: “She’s so hot right now! Look at those legs dangling off the couch. Definitely an 8!”

Person 2: “Nah bro she’s a cuspy 4 at best. I parse
by Mistine December 7, 2021
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