Panphobia is the fear of everything. Despite the name, panphobia is not registered as a type of phobia in medical references.
Charlie suffers from panphobia and therefore has an unexplainable fear of everything.
by Something Badass August 2, 2015
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Panphobia (Also known as omniphobia, pantophobia, and panophobia) is the irrational fear of everything or a persistent vague fear of an ‘unknown evil’. It is *not* a fear/dislike of pansexuals. Using it as so is albiest whether panphobia is registered as a medical term or not.
1:“She has panphobia.”
2:”So she’s afraid of pansexuals?”
1:”No, she feels paranoid all the time.”
by cosm August 5, 2020
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The hatred and discrimination of pansexual people.

Panphobia is not a medical condition and is not in a single recorded medical record. No one is diagnosed as panphobic. Bigots only say that so they can disassociate themselves with the word because they do not like the social connotations of similar words like homophobia/biphobia/transphobia.
Alex: Becky can’t understand the difference between bi and pan so she won’t let us have a section at Pride.
Jane: WOW, the panphobia in the community is real.
by xXJammieJ.Xx October 20, 2020
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Phobia of Pansexuals
Are you Panphobic?

Of course not! Panphobia is horrible!
by Loriiii April 28, 2019
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To be either afraid of pans or pansexuals in a horrified way.
"Hey mom what are you making"
"I'm making burgers on this pan"
"On a what ?"
"A pan"

"Hey Joe I'm pansexuals"
"*Screams* I have panphobia stay away from my pans !"
by Faze EEEE March 3, 2022
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Panphobia is a word used to describe the fear of pansexuality or pansexuals, just like homophobia.
"We do not allow panphobia to thrive into our group"
by WRYYYYYYYYYYYYY August 1, 2021
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Extreme or irrational fear or dislike of kitchenware.
Tom has panphobia, so he has to eat in the restaurant every day.
by MrBober May 15, 2021
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