A woman that is trying to have sex with a musician. Like a groupie, but only there for one person. First stated in the Tech N9ne song 1zie
No no no, a groupie comes for the whole group, you just came for me, you're my onezie
by WhatifIwasreal? June 3, 2010
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Used to refer to the type of girl that you suspect of being a floozy and that you would only hit one time.

-She could be hot, yet lacks serious self-respect which means she's fucking everybody. Good for a trick, any more than once will likely result in someone being hospitalized.

-She could be semi-busted, but good enough during a drunken engorged dork rage to fit the bill. Could also be a slumpbuster type.
Knob one: "Did you fuck __________ last night?"

Knob two: "Who that Onezy?"

Knob one: "Yup"
by Dtrojano March 9, 2011
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When you can't curse because you're in school, moms visiting, thin walls and you're fucking,you're a youtuber with a young audience, etc . Whatever reason you have not to scream "FUCK" and you already start off the "FFFF" so instead you scream "FFFFuzzie onezie"
Mom: It was so nice visiting you, Gianna.
Gianna: *drops plate on foot* OH FFFFuzzie onezie!!!!!!
by Fangirl Tralalalala April 28, 2016
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Super drugged out on some pills and tree
This nigga was so onezy we had to take him home
by Kiexya May 27, 2020
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