The amount of seconds after any minute that have passed when you end a cell call using daytime minutes and realize that roger's just charged you for a whole extra minute for that incredibly short span of time. This is usually followed by a very short depression, including reflecting on what you could have done in order to shorten your conversation by that amount of time.
Jim looked at his phone after calling bill. His call time was 3:02. He promptly palmed himself in the forehead, realizing he was within one-to-ten.
by sike moda November 17, 2009
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1D10T = Idiot, buffoon. Military Term utilizing the phoenetic alphabet.
That guy is a real one-delta-ten-tango. He couldn't navigate his way out of his own ass.
by maechtig August 5, 2006
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For ages 14 and up.

Needs to be atleast 3 players, beer and a pen.

The object is to be the first player to finish your beer. Players who fail to finish their respective beers must engage in a chug-off. The slowest player is disqualified from the next round.

In each round the player with the pen chooses a number between 1 (One) and 10 (Ten). The player writes the number on their hand and passes the pen to the left. The player recieving the pen then guesses the number on the players hand along with the remaining players.

Each player gets one attempt to guess the number.

A community beer is placed in the middle of the table to serve as a thirst quencher. THE COMMUNITY BEER MUST BE GONE BEFORE SOMEONE CAN WIN. If a person finishes before the beer is gone the winner then adopts the community beer and continues to play.


If you guess the number you get to drink for ten seconds.

If you guess one number away you get to drink for 5 seconds.

The players not drinking will all count to the specified number (5 or 10).

If no one guesses right on or either one away the closest guesser gets a gulp of beer.


CHEATING will allow the non cheaters to each have a gulp of their beer.

If you spill your beer you loose.

Everyone must count and finish together.

Once you finish your beer you must yell finished.

If your beer foams up the non foamers all get one gulp.
One in Ten drinking game should be played whenever possible. Be it a hard day or just boredom, there is no excuse not to play.
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When you're 110% up for doing something.

When something is so good it is better than 100%.

A way to describe a really fit girl.
"Oi blud, you up for gettin them spray tans later? Yeah man, One-Ten!"

"This caviar on toast is One-Ten!"

"Mate, that chick is One-Ten!"
by JoeyTommy January 25, 2012
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A type of girl who you wouldn't want to hook up with. A Dirty whore. A Prostitute.
Dude, Don't do it. That girl is a One N Ten. You'll get one thing you want, And ten things you don't.
by Matt March 31, 2005
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The rating of a girl on a scale of one to ten, usually occuring as she passes by two guys.

Ratings usually mean the following:
>8 I'd do her, even if it meant first taking it in the ass from her using a strap-on.
6-7 I'd do her if she didn't expect me to go down on her.
5 I'd do her if I was entoxicated.
4 I'd do her if no one ever found out.
3-2 I'd do her in total darkness.
1 Reserved for animals and mutants. Below threshold of normal horniness. Barely.
Dude 1: Holy shit dude?! Look at that fine biatch! What's your one ten?

Dude 2: Um dude, that's your step mom.

Dude 1: Oh bad. I mean I'd still hook up with her if I got the chance... she's definately an 8.5 any day of the week!

Dude 2: You are so fucked up dude. She's a 6.3 at best.
by Pfill Chong September 25, 2006
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Going far beyond what is neccesary. doing more than needed.
i want joe on my team for basketball he goes one ten at everything
by bille120893 December 7, 2010
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