A japanese word for "dumpling". This is where the phrase "odango atama" (dumpling head) comes from; and is used to describe anyone with a hairstyle where two balls of hair are sat on the head.

In the Western world, where odango (Japanese dumplings) are uncommon, the phrase is turned into 'meatball head' to keep the round food reference.
"She's such a meatball head!"

"Usagi-chan anata wa odango atama desu!"
by Isheh September 26, 2006
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A type of hairstyle where you basically start with pigtails and then sort of... knot them, and then pull the rest of the pigtail through. Very popular for anime/manga conventions, and they are the hairstyle Sailor Moon (Usagi) has.
"OMG her odangos are so KAWAII!"
by Eliiiiiiii September 1, 2006
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"Oh dang good". Describes something scrumptous.
Yeah, this salami is odango!
by Candace December 27, 2005
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Im translation, "meatball head," or "dumpling head." Referring to Serena/Usagi Tsukino on the anime series Sailor Moon. Darien/Mamoru calls her this because of her "meatball-like" hairstyle.
"You meatball head!"
"Don't call me that!"
"Okay, meatball head."
by Sinecure Angel February 26, 2005
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