Oral and anal sex. Euphemism used by prostitutes and their clients.
In UK, sometimes called O-levels and A-levels, referring to the (now sadly debased) examination system (Ordinary Level and Advanced Level).
In UK, sometimes called O-levels and A-levels, referring to the (now sadly debased) examination system (Ordinary Level and Advanced Level).
by starflier December 8, 2003
Opie and Anthony
Very progressive radio personalities from the New York area.They now are on XM radio. I would say more but that would be advertising..they would probably mention this on the show if i told them about it...then again they might call me a faggot. either way. Im not advertising.
Very progressive radio personalities from the New York area.They now are on XM radio. I would say more but that would be advertising..they would probably mention this on the show if i told them about it...then again they might call me a faggot. either way. Im not advertising.
by brithael@hotmail.com July 17, 2006
by myfirstdeadpanda July 17, 2008
by DaveyJones December 31, 2009
by dfskdshjdsahdsa April 13, 2006
by googlyeyes77 April 28, 2018
The o's represent eyes and the '^' is the mouth, basically this is an emote used to show derpiness and quirkiness, or a bird.
by Reeeeaper July 6, 2013