
1. a person who cannot be satisfied by one sexual partner

2. a relationship where one or both parties seek additional sexual partners
My neighbor's wife and I are both monogamous, while our spouses are non-monogamous; so we watch romcoms while they bang.
by NeverGonnaGetIt69 July 1, 2021
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SOME BULLSH*T, but also a person who does not subscribe to the cultural and relational structures of monogomy, but does not do this in a way that is deceptive or irresponsible.
I was swiping through tender and every profile said “ethically non-monogamous,” smgdh.
by Guydebordisbae May 4, 2018
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SOME BULLSH*T, but also a person who does not subrscribe to the cultural or relational norms of monogamy, but is not deceptive or irresponsible in their relationships.
I was swiping through Tinder and every profile said “ethically non-monogamous,” smgdh.
by Guydebordisbae May 4, 2018
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A situation in which two people decide that they want to be sexually exclusive without taking on the title of "boyfriend" & "girlfriend" or having any type of official commitment. Often following a period of transition between casual dating and an established romantic relationship.
"John has been with that girl for a few years now. Is he ever going to start introducing her as his girlfriend?"
"He's afraid of commitment and happy being in a monogamous non-relationship. I don't think they are going to put a title on it any time soon."
by Bravs53 March 30, 2013
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