One who exhibits cowardly behavior- noun
I am a paranoid niddering; I am deathly afraid of bees, vegetables, and diving into the pool.
by parisologyperson May 25, 2008
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the most bestest coolest funnest teacher ever your #1 fav teacher
whats up my Nidder.
by hotsexymenlover26 February 9, 2023
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A multipurpose word used to insult anyone for any reason including but not limited to; someone calling you a name, someone taking your stuff and/or things, someone throwing assumptions or accusations your way, someone sluwiiing without permission, someone bullshitting you, someone pissing in your wheaties, someone called Raspberry Rasputin, Gayton Horde, Racheel Joule. Only to be used if the person you say it toward is as ignorant as a Keebler Elf or Black Smurf or owns a dog named Thelma( also if the dog is a female and humps a mans leg like its going out of style)
You know that one Keebler Elf that married a spider or some dumb blue footed boobie .... he's a nice person his female friend( ya know the one that can come up with a murder plot in 2 mins but 6 months in adavnce)her brother and/or asswhole uncle is a real nidder
by TheGodDogMKUdah July 15, 2022
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