an word from irish cant, a male or female who is good looking, or sexy.
look at her shes munya, im gonna ask her out.
by jim ogorman April 1, 2006
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A word that is used by people of the irish traveler brigade, the word can be used in place of good, meaning some thing that is very pleasing
man did you just see her go by, my god she was "MUNYA"
by J. Daley September 1, 2006
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Also known as the munya virus, this seemingly random word originates from Indonesia. It is often used as a conversation starters when one has ran out of topics to talk about or when one is bored.

Side effects that may occur when using such words during conversation is the following:
confusion, cringe, or "acceptance that you are wierd" to the person you are talking with.
"munya munya munya"
"munya munya"
"r u ok dude?"
by Yourbillsire July 10, 2021
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A handsome ,sexy man with a vibe.He is very different and unique.A lot of girls like him.He has some qualities of being a rich father and probably he will be very very rich.Not forgetting that he is outstanding.
Noone will deny a proposal from Munya
by Sauce_Daboss_official November 23, 2021
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An old Aboriginal word for a shit wrapped in Glad Wrap (seran wrap of cling film), then frozen and used as a dildo. Source- Natalie Purvis, Blue Mountains Guide and General Pervert
I made a munya and jammed it in that cunt’s arsehole- he fucking loved it.
by T-Bonicus April 27, 2023
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