A thin crusty layer that forms on aging feces. Usually appears green or yellow in color, and has a paralizing odor.
It took me an hour to scrub the mungroe off the deck where my dog pooped 4 weeks ago.
by Skibz November 21, 2005
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mungro is a wildcard. It can be used in any situation, and can mean anything you want it to. Inspired by the great Indianapolis Colts running back James Mungro.
My mungro's growing just looking at you girl.
Oh man, i feel like mungro.
You dont love me, you just love me for my mungro.
Two mungro's walk into a bar...
by Andrew January 14, 2005
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a common dance performed by a topless burly man with large unnatural muscles and extremely hairy chest. The man typically dances in circles and chants random phrases and is commonly performed at night under a full moon.
"Look at that man he is performing the Mungro!"

"Wow! Such exquisite beauty and grace as he dances in the moonlight!"
by iced0017 April 13, 2010
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