Awesome European person.

Sexy, charming, super intelligent but also very funny.
Mihail is here yet? We are not complete without him!
by wrekingbones December 3, 2015
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A man of Cretan descent, known to love almost all mammals on the planet. Mihail loves the warmth of a young goats vagina.

But when mihail is socially interactive he mainly goes for men who smoke marijuana almost all the time usually named George or Gary,
Damn mihail, you destroyed that goat last night
by Zipper zapper November 23, 2021
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Sexy Macedonian. Very Smart, dorky dancer, and foolish drunk. Loves Kobe Bryant, Julia Roberts, Megan,and One Tree Hill(secretly). Doesn't know how to use "That's what she said."
I loveeeee my Mihail!
by Megasaurussss April 15, 2008
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Mihail is very sad, although charming and reasonably good looking he has crippling depression because of a girl. He can pull bitches, but not the one he truly wants.
Damm I am like Mihail
There will be better days.
by Tichitaun February 6, 2023
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A sexy man, everyone loves him and he is dating 8.9 women at once.

His penis is MASSIVE and he makes out with his tongue like a boss.
“Is that mihail?”
I wanna sleep with mihail!”
I LOVE mihail!”
by CURRYLOVER12345 February 26, 2022
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The most bitch-ass human being to ever walk the planet. When you first see him, you'll be blinded by his beauty & ignore every wrongdoing he will ever commit. You would do anything for him. Until the day you find out he has the International Title for Biggest Thot of the World. He is a Manipulative, Cheating, Selfish person that will take what he wants from you and then ignore you for days on end. He only likes people when convenient. Additional facts: Known to flock to Underage Girls, only fucks if Steven Universe is playing in the background, doesn't show up to funerals even with months advance notice.
you: Wow, I love Mihail he's such a nice person, he looks like an angel and genuinely cares for my wellbeing.

you, after seeing the light: Mihail is the worst person I've ever met, he never wanted anything but sex.
by unw7644@edu.heroooo October 19, 2017
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