a house, apartment, or other living space
I wanna go back ta my krib, yo.
by M December 3, 2003
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A neurotic Jew that befriends animals but not people. Sometimes a Krib will avoid certain places at all costs. Example: Las Vegas.
Wow, that Krib just broke the elevator and then sent me a spatula in the mail. WTF???
by TheSevvy April 29, 2010
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1)v. the act of giving ass loads of unnecessary work just to be a dick 2) v. sucking at life in general 3) adj. having homosexual tendencies (i.e. easily bribed by sucking off certain individuals in exchange for good grades)
1) "What a homo, this is the third time he kribbed us by making us revise this damn resume. Let's just skip it and get melled."
2) I'm fucking tired of getting kribbed every night- its a half credit class asshole.
3) His kribbish behavior was easily recognized by his giving A's to those who'd stayed in his office for a BJ.
by snax July 6, 2004
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When you smell your hand(s) after having your hand(s) on your balls for a long time. Usually after a full 2+ days of not showering
Person 1: I heard Brandon does the Dirty Kribs a lot
Person 2: Yeah it’s pretty gross
by geof50 May 7, 2020
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When a fast food chain brings a certain sandwich back, crime rates skyrocket in inner cities and surrounding areas.
Lisa-“hey wanna play another game of basketball?”

Joe-“what?! Hell no, haven’t you heard of the mik krib effect?? Im going home before the sun goes down so i dont get my car jacked
by Ginjah_Ninja April 20, 2018
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