A kibbutz is an Israeli concept of a farm-residence. The basic principle is that anyone can come in, stay and be fed, as long as they work towards the upkeep of the kibbutz. One can stay for two days or for a lifetime. There are 278 kibbutzim (plural of kibbutz) in Israel. They are often strictly Orthodox Jewish - requiring no work to be done on Shabbat , for example. They are the basic Communist template, because often no money is exchanged in the residence/farming transactions.
Kibbutz Lavi is a school trip available to JFS students
by shakespeare*frizbee*98 June 9, 2011
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A Character from Grand Theft Auto 4. A person who takes steriods at times and can get a little crazy. But can be a great, and fun friend to hang out with. Thinks that his friends are all "winners" and "players"
Brucie Kibbutz
by NikoLiberty December 27, 2010
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an orgy consisting of 54 persons which is located in the ass of square descent.
Omg i cannot wait for kibbutz this summer!
by david wicoff August 12, 2007
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A Jewish cohousing community in Seattle that features lots of public programming in an environment that is happily disentangled from all religious connotation, despite celebrating all the major (and many minor) Jewish holidays. Annual events include Passover seders, Sukkot hut-building, Big Lebowski showing, and many nights clustered around a Northern Exposure rerun. There are three houses that comprise the main body of the Kibbutz: Aleph, Bet and Gimmel.

The name "Ravenna Kibbutz" is tongue-in-cheek, to a point: no one involved in the Kibbutz fancies themselves a Zionist pioneer. It's merely a cheeky way of identifying ourselves that doesn't sound too fruity. Because "The Jewish Cohousing Development of North Seattle" makes for a crap acronym. The Kibbutz's tagline "Would it kill you to find a nice Jewish commune?" is also tongue-in-cheek, but occasionally offends people.
Are you coming to Shabbes dinner at the Ravenna Kibbutz this week? You'd better be there; it's at house Bet.
by Joel Fleishman May 23, 2010
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