In the manner of Jesus.
"He had Jesusy hair."
by Mr. Morphine November 24, 2004
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an adjective: Used to describe a person who is very religious
Man: See that guy with the rosaries tattooed to his arm?
Man 2: Yeah, why?
Man: He's wicked jesusy
by Cam G June 7, 2007
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Sharing similar qualities to that of Jesus.
Friend#1: Hey did you remember to pick up a Jesus candle at the store?

Friend#2: Yep.

Friend#1: How do you know it's the right one?

Friend #2: Well it has a freakin' picture of Jesus right on it, I don't think it gets any more Jesusy than that.
by amvintage84 October 17, 2009
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When music sounds like gospel but its not i pRoMisE
“Is this jesus music”
No no its not it just sounds jesusy. Its blues.”
by GodtheFirst April 30, 2019
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