jelled or jells moment: whenever someone says some dumb and unfunny shit that no one other then the person who made the joke finds it funny, this can commonly be seen on twitter whenever jells decides to tweet something ''funny'' out.
syno: jells, please shut it, you're not funny.
jells: poggies, Samsung 455L Bottom Mount Fridge with Water Dispenser - Matte Black moment hahah

syno: jelled
by SynoR6 November 30, 2020
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To be exaggeratedly lying, humorously.
Frez told me he doesn't like to eat vagina. Of course he was jelling !
by MaceyFace435 January 19, 2017
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Basically just the most awesome person ever
You are so Jelle
by Froskolani February 14, 2010
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“ why you always jelling “ “ jellmaster “
by Omarchulo July 17, 2018
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The Jelle is an amphibious lizard creature often found around swimming pools. Can run very fast, but, contrary to popular belief, is extremely slow in the water, having to take regular breaks to regain energy.

by XxXsnelle420jelle69XxX April 18, 2017
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A: Hey look! It's Spartacus!
B: No, it's Jelle!
by Haub May 19, 2011
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The act of being jealous of.

"Did you see his sweet new ride? I'm so jells!"



"She totally hooked up with that total hottie from that party last night. I'm jellin'!"
by MilkFlower May 25, 2007
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