An Apple fanboy; A member of the Mac trend, especially one who purchases Apple hardware to be fashionable and not because of any virtue of the hardware over PC hardware.
by enokev December 7, 2008
A very common bunch of douchebags im sure you've seen. These iTools can be easily spotted having their iPod headphones in there ears at all times, even when they aren't listening to there iPod.
Bob: Steve, what you listening to?
Steve: Oh, nothing.
Bob: Goddamit! Take those headphones out of your ears! Your such an iTool!
Steve: Oh, nothing.
Bob: Goddamit! Take those headphones out of your ears! Your such an iTool!
by iLOLatFAILS May 3, 2009
by go-bye October 15, 2009
A person who buys everything from Apple (iPod, iPad, MacBook, etc) even though they might not like or want it...they just want to be part of the "Apple" crowd and submit to doing so like a bot...
by itoolinventor March 1, 2012