When you get excited and are borderline obsessed with something, you can't stop thinking about it.
I am hotfaced on my new glasses. I am hotfaced on getting a new car. I am hotfaced on your mom.
by Hotfaced April 30, 2007
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An emotion, felt only by men, in which sadness occurs in the front of the face during an emotional episode. Not unlike the sensation after a sneeze, hotface does not produce tears, but rather produces a pressure close to crying that can easily be grunted away.
When Mel Gibson died at the end of Braveheart, I got insane hotface.
by sadfnkjngkjhd February 5, 2010
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A condition where an individual's accidental behavior, speech, or social interactions create a sense of immediate and overwhelming embarassment, so as to cause a very strong blushing reaction in the facial area. This rush of blood to the cheeks and forehead noticeably raises the skin temperature, creating a condition of a hot face. Also known as a "hotface moment".
"Man, I just had a hotface moment when I went up to this chick and asked 'Yo, bitch, why did'nt you call me last week?'

"I thought it was my girl Tina, but instead it was a total stranger. I had to apologize and I was all hotface"
by IamLegendaryHotface June 5, 2009
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A person or one who is of a high physical attraction, usually pertaining to their face.

Coined by a Sambam.
by Iten Neseta, Sambam January 31, 2005
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a term of endearment used for someone whether they are attractive or not. Often times it can be used as a decoy by inflicting immense amounts of flattery. Other times it can be genuine flattery commenting on someone's hotness.
attractive person number one: hey whats up?
attractive person number two: hey hotface!
unattracive person number one: hey whats up?
attractive person number two: hey hotface!
by Chontel June 14, 2005
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A person with an attractive face who utilities there chocha for personal gain.
Becky was such a hotface hooker for sleeping with my next door neighbor.
by maggiemoooo October 3, 2010
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