A consulting term where somebody takes up a workspace that is not their's for temporary use. Hoteling usually is used in the IT consulting field, and applied to a cubicle environment
The guy in the cubicle close to me is hoteling
by AwesomeConsultant March 13, 2009
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The action of getting a hotel room for an extensive period of time when you were supposed to be staying with friends, in a short-term rental or similar.
Tom: "so did you get that apartment for your four-week internship?"
Marianne: "nah, I ended up hotelling it."
by Hotel-chick May 13, 2011
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A place you never want to work.
The woman bitched at the hotel clerk for nothing.
by Anonymous October 10, 2003
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"I gave my ex crabs and the HOTEL everyone"
by reger May 2, 2003
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Chill place to work if you can shake off the shit cranky bastards throw your way for easily remedied inconveniences. Also a place where parents bring their hot ass 17-18 year old daughters durring college preveiws time. Score!
girl you wanna come to my hotel?
by Hartcore November 21, 2004
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