to be fooled in to thinking something un-true
Haha! I gullibled you!
by Jamma Lammin August 28, 2010
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Being gullible is nothing more than trusting someone who should not be trusted.
Person 1: Ha! You're so gullible!

Person 2: So basically, you're laughing at me for having trusted you!
by Red Pill January 1, 2012
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The state of being fooled. So basically everyone voting in American politics.
See Waldo, don't be gullible. Your vote doesn't matter, the country is going to hell anyways.
by LaserISbaser July 18, 2016
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1. Any person who has three boobs.
2. Any person who believed the first definition.
Some one wrote gullible on that tree over there.
by The Me June 25, 2003
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A word that is hidden in every building on the ceiling.
Person 1: Did you know that gullible is wriiten on the ceiling?

Person 2: Really? *searches the ceiling with his eyes*

Person 1: bahahaha
by ganjagod January 24, 2015
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