A girl who has a loose pussy because she gets banged by every guy. This girl is unbelieveably easy. Sleep with her if you want an std.
by lala1043 January 5, 2010
by kdrrrgs February 12, 2009
This rule is where you place the monopoly cash UNDER THE CORNER of the free parking space
Those whose place the money is in the middle are bent and will fail in the future
Those whose place the money is in the middle are bent and will fail in the future
person 1 'Julie puts the free parking monopoly in the middle'
person 2 'thats so bent it goes in the corner'
person 2 'thats so bent it goes in the corner'
by superior1738 January 4, 2019
a park, "duh" which was designed as a terminus for the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. was found as a awsome a$$ place to skate(board) due to its curved steps.
the term free love park started when skateboarding was banned there for no reason at all.
the term free love park started when skateboarding was banned there for no reason at all.
by life2sk8ing March 7, 2008