Taking your fat roll with both hands, and shaking it to-and-fro, creating a hypnotic effect for any disturbed onlookers.
Jerry was flabbin' so much the other day, I just couldn't take my eyes off of it. At the same time, I wanted to vomit.
by bsislow February 28, 2007
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This guy I know. He called himself the Flabbinator coz he thinks he's a super fat super hero. I'd just go with it if I were you...
"Ordinarily, he is Fewis Loulds, but when the Fat Signal shines in the sky, he becomes; The Flabbinator! Protecting the city from criminals and salads alike!"
by Thatguyinyourshed. April 25, 2017
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When a guy/women has quite a bit of fat but is still a sexy beast but also very strong and there fighting technique is to sit on you
by NinjaJstar June 26, 2016
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1.) Something to say out of anger or exasperation.

2.) A derrogatory term for animal poop.

1.) Person 1: "You know you have to do the science worksheet AND the lab for homework, right?"

Person 2: "Oh Flabbin Mingle Pancakes!I had no idea!"

2.) "That woman over there smells like Flabbin Mingle Pancakes!"
by Sid the Science Kid May 17, 2011
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Just like "more cushin’ for the pushin’" except for super large girls.
Damn homie she look like she could be on my 600 lb life

All good bro, more flabbin’ for the grabbin
by @celinemmorris April 10, 2019
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depending on context, can be good or bad
"My roommate pissed on my cat."
"Damn, man, that's strait flabbin'"
by nctitties February 4, 2023
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