To learn a lesson the hard way or to be screwed over when one deserves better.
"So I was doing community service for these homeless people, and all of a sudden one dropped me with chloroform and they raped me bad."

"Man, you got ficke'd up the ASS."
by hoppy February 22, 2005
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"i am so horny--fick me!"
by foxayladay March 3, 2005
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the nice way of calling someone a fuck or telling them to fuck off. and hey. you won't get called out by your parents for it!
are you ficking kidding me?!?! fick off man. hey what's up fick?
by kingmatt1022 May 15, 2017
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When you're running out of texting characters and you want to say "Fucking dick"
"Did he ever text you back!"

"No he was being such a fick!"
by Chunksforfreee July 31, 2012
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An action when you have sexual affairs with a plant/tree.
Person 2: Dude, you have problems.
by CoombertaStudios February 12, 2010
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