His words and actions made me so hot and flustered, he was like a fanny flusterer!
by phallatio June 29, 2015
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Experiencing butthurt and distress usually as result of being trolled or ridiculed.
Alejandro got all fanny flustered when his friends made fun of his favorite game, GTA IV.
by Buster Slammin September 13, 2012
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A fanny fluster is someone who makes someone’s Fanny throb and melt. It is very common in Gingers that have a name such as Lynsay. U don’t want to be near a fanny fluster for long as it can cause a yeast infection or further diseases. To protect yourself from these people u need to wear tight clothing to reduce the waterfall that streams from your vagina. It was once said that the worlds best Fanny flusters was a man named Blair Richardson. He could make Fanny’s drip from over 10 miles away. Stay safe and be aware of such people
I heard Lynsay is a Fanny fluster stay safe

I heard Lynsay made Cameron wet
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