To turn something gay either through rallying or through the courts.
The courts would faggotize every Californian citizen if they had the chance.
by Mart Adler June 30, 2008
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a way to refer to a gay person, usually in a non-supportive way
Friend 1: Did you hear John came out as gay?

Friend 2: I knew that bitch was a faggot..
by xikonoreos December 4, 2022
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a pioneer of being a faggot in a group
Hey dude, stop being a faggoteer
by Ill Peerson January 29, 2010
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faggot is a word used towards gay men , fruit men, and men that slap other men’s butts .
“yo jayvon over there just smacked forrells ass. yo! he a faggot
by levonblarks August 15, 2019
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That guy standing a little too close behind you in the supermarket queue.
Hey faggot, stop rubbing your willy against my trousers.
by JZ783 December 2, 2015
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One who is usually of male gender, that takes pics of their Starbuck's drinks and posts them on instagram and refers to his male roommate who cooks and cleans for him as his 'wife' and uses snap chat and other social media to document their lives together. Also eats ass.
by brodunk February 2, 2017
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An extremely annoying, inconsiderate person most commonly associated with Harley riders.

2. A person who owns or frequently rides a Harley.
"Look at that faggot riding that Harley."

"Why are these faggots always so loud."
by jesus'sdadgod May 3, 2010
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