Having the ability to change or conform.
Spreadsheet fields that can be changed are known as editable fields.
by Marcus Or Not September 5, 2006
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An edit is when one composes a video filled with scenes and or pictures, using transitions and effects.
“Oh my god! That edit was amazing”
“That edit made me cry!”
“I just made an edit and posted it on Instagram”
by Fluffytheoctopus February 18, 2018
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When you post something on an internet forum or message board with the intent of changing it after a few replies have already been posted. It's usually changed to something that implies homosexuality among the now self-incriminating replies.
Original post: Who is your favorite actor?
Reply 1: Brad Pitt
Reply 2: Matt Damon

Edited post: Which male actor do you have sexual fantasies about on a regular basis?
Reply 1: Brad Pitt
Reply 2: Matt Damon
by Booogs September 28, 2006
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a particular form or version of a published text.

the total number of copies of a book, newspaper, or other published material issued at one time.
1. "a paperback edition"

2. "variations occurred after some of the edition had already been published"
by bruhthisismyhandle August 18, 2021
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A new way of keeping ASS-STUPID definitions off Urbandictionary.com
Let's see if Editing will stop all these stupid definitions from getting on this site. While you're reading this--please sign my 1000 thumbs up site. Thanks. Peace out.
by Andi March 14, 2005
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When you come back to a message board post and change something.
edit: typo. Or, edit: I got owned, and now I am hiding my dumb comments.
by AcneBrain August 25, 2004
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If you disagree strongly with something, or wish to change some thing, say edit.
edit gettin a detention

edit this party
by itssimplekillthebatman May 6, 2009
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