a heartbreaking disease in which you only experience attraction to men too old for you e.g jim hopper or obi wan kenobi (specifically in his series)
i have a serious case of dilfism, i have a crush on obi wan kenobi
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the practice of simping over old men who look married and rich
“bruh zoe simps over like,, 5 of her friends’ dads.....”
“it’s called dilfism dumbass!! anyways,, any of you want a stepmom?”
by kurapikers February 1, 2021
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religion worshipping the dilfs President Snow, Samuel L Jackson, Will Farrell, and Leonardo DiCaprio. It is a sin to be pigeon toed.
People who practice dilfism are often shamed by rotc members in wheelchairs.
by bigboisav January 7, 2020
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1st Definition: The theory surrounding the proper classification of a man as a "DILF".
2nd Definition: A disease which alters the mind into finding men over the age of 38 attractive.

Commonly found in young adults, DILFism affects one's perception of a "hot person". To classify someone as a DILF, they must meet the three requirements of a) having children, b) being over the age of 38, and/or c) having played OR been a father.

Symptoms of DILFism include:
- "simping" or feeling a sensation of ovulation when presented with an attractive older man
- strong romantic and/or sexual feelings towards men that a) have children, b) are over the age of 38, or c) have played a dad in a movie, TV show, Grammarly commercial, etc.
- finding geriatric or men over the age of 38 attractive
- creating a worshipping site for a man classified as a "DILF"
- and much, much, MUCH more
Person A: "Damn, Jon Bernthal is so fine, he puts me in heat"

Person B: "I think you suffer from 'DILFism'"

Person A: "Why do you say that"

Person B: "Because you are simping over a 46 year-old man"

Person A: "You're right! I am suffering from DILFism"
by January 1, 2023
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a deathly disease that affects most women. standing for a dad i want to fuck. in which you only like men over the age of 40. e.g cillian murphy, leonardo decaprio etc
“I have a deathly case of dilfism. i am in love with Cillian Murphy
by men twice my age 😍 September 10, 2023
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