1)The act of agreeing. Used typically by PC gamers.
2) Stating that something in true with no shadow of a doubt.
Person one: "Anna Kournikova is the best looking athlete of all time."
Person two: "I coucure" or "Concured"
by Will February 25, 2005
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To agree with or give your approval.
-Dickens is great literature
-Yes, Hoff Hoff I Concur
-It seems Doctor his uveula is loged in his treachea
-I concur.
by Captininsanity December 31, 2005
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A certain Ranger's personal verb - meaning to agree with someone but spelled with an E on the end, thus making it his own.
by A Non E Mous January 30, 2009
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The greatest word in the WORLD. To agree with something.
Jamey concurs with Catie that CONCUR is the greatest word in the UNIVERSE.
by C-Bu November 18, 2003
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Best used in the movie with Leonardo di Caprio and Tom Hanks. Catch Me If You Can. Cool movie with a true story by the way.
Phony Famous Doc: Dr Harris?
Cluless but skilled doctor: Yes?
Phony Famous Doc: Do you concur?
Cluless but skilled doctor: Concur with... what, sir?

See it. Then you'll understand. By the time you're reading this, it's probably on TV anyway.
by ~The Nameless One~ May 20, 2005
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to agree with a statement another person implies
That speech the president just announced was very concurable to my belief system.
by Joshua Frazier April 13, 2005
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Agree. Don't be fooled by its simplicity; if used too often it sounds lame and makes the (over)user appear as if he/she is trying rather hard to sound like an intellectual.
Marty: That movie was bad. I mean it was 'hold-your-nose' bad.

Corey: I concur.
by Diggity Monkeez December 31, 2005
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