1. One word. One revolution.
The act, sight or idea of two boys being close and touchy-feely which may or may not even be purposely insinuating homosexuality, but regardless, has the ability to turn groups of emo girls (and myself) into a rabid, orgasming, flesh-eating mob.

OMGZ STROKES-BOYTOUCHING UNDER TEH CUT +5 hgvuvboevlkjn;pjhre!!!!!111

by nuivheovhlshv98 December 31, 2005
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A man who covets small boys. a pederast.
the boytoucher's hands ache for the caress of boyflesh
by pertatoes September 12, 2008
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When a person enjoys being touched by boys
"Nick Patti likes to be touched by boys"

"Wow did you hear Nick is an avid fan of boytouching"
by Holy Mushroom Pate October 15, 2009
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