A hella fine ass breezie that is half black and half indian.
I like blindians that go to NYU but hail from Kansas.
by T Money December 12, 2004
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A person of Black and American Indian herritage.
This is a well known definition in the United States and Canada.
I am a person of Black and American Indian herritage, which makes me "Blindian".


I am a person of American Indian and Black herritage, which makes me "Blindian".
by Anonymous_411 July 27, 2006
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An Indian who acts like he's black.
Look at that blindian, all tryin to act black and shit.
by Spaz November 8, 2003
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Someone who is a mixture of Indian (from the country not Native American) and Black. There aren't many in the world lol but they're sexy as hell! I shud know i'm Blindian lol and I JUST COINED THIS TERM
Menaje is a Blindian because her mother is from Mumbai,India and her father is African American
by Menaje Moral December 7, 2007
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A person that has the majority of Black and Indian decent.
Deshawn: What you lookin at nigga?

Michael: I aint no nigga boy. I'm Blindian.
by Fartknocinfool August 3, 2008
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