In BDSM, D/s code phrase for, "Are you in your role?" A Dominant will ask his submissive this just before a scene. If the sub needs a few minutes more, this is the time for him/her to mention it. If the sub's answer "Yes, Sir/Mistress" then the scene is on.
Dom: "I'm coming by in 20 minutes with a friend. Same as last time: take your top off; on your knees; him first, then me. Do not speak unless you're spoken to. Are you ready?"

sub: "Oh, YES, Sir!"
by Kitten (sub) March 14, 2008
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Typically a question referring to the readiness of another.
Are you ready to tell me how to uninstall this garbage?
by PineappleJuice March 26, 2015
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In BDSM, D/s code phrase for, "Are you in your role?" A Dominant will ask his submissive this just before a scene. If the sub needs a few minutes more, this is the time for him/her to mention it. If the sub's answer "Yes, Sir/Mistress" then the scene is on.
Dom: "I'm coming by in 20 minutes with a friend. Same as last time: take your top off; on your knees; him first, then me. Do not speak unless you're spoken to. Are you ready?"

sub: "Oh, YES, Sir!"
by R&Rslut March 14, 2008
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Quotation: Date Masamune, 'Sengoku Basara'
Proposition that means that either shit is going down, or there is a hella orgy nearby.
Can only be used on a motor horse.
by MrMuscle October 15, 2010
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Are you ready for this shit means some one is about to swing a kettlebell across campus.
* steps up to kettle bell *
by Kettlebell2020 April 22, 2019
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