A person who is very smart, they have a passion for all forms of art, music, drawing, writing, and others. Amiya’s are sensitive af and will beat your a** if you say or do the wrong thing. They are caring but not to caring. Some Amiya’s play sports and if they do they are the GOAT. And don’t ask an Amiya why she is being petty just dont!
Amiya is the goat.
by Official.Dook May 4, 2018
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A girl that is smart.. sophisticated.. funny..original..and can sometimes be very petty..Amiyas are easy to love and attract people with how mentally..physically and spiritually empowering they are.
I hope I marry an Amiya one day.
by an amiya May 13, 2016
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Amiya is the perfect person to be friends with if you ever get the chance to hang out with an Amiya you are a very lucky person. If you have feelings for Amiya don’t be scared to tell her she is not afraid to say what’s on her mind. so don’t be afraid because if you wait to long she could be taken
Wow Amiya is such an amazing friend
by Bitch.face June 23, 2018
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Amiya or *miya* is smart, loving, caring and very over protective over her family or ones she loves. Don’t piss Amiya off cuz she might fight you 🙈.
Amiya is a fighter she’ll never back down from anyone nmw age or size they are. Amiya might be a lil shy or weird when you first meet her but once you get to know her you’ll love her. If you hurt an Amiya you must be really dumb.
I love Amiya
by Mynetflixandmysnacks November 8, 2020
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A loving,sweet,sexy,cute,sensitive, and all around fun girl with a taste for neatness and adventure
Damn man. I want me an Amiya
by bomb.miya September 17, 2017
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1)Wonderful smelling nectar, delightful" or boundless person,

2)Beautiful Idian Girl name: A very loving and caring person , Always joyful and Friendly
Darnn , why cant my Girlfriend be like Amiya!! *sigh*
by Amiya Nadia January 4, 2008
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The girl who has plenty of friends, but most are two faced. The girl who doesn't speak her feelings and just puts a smile on. She wants everyone to be happy but her self. She may actually be happy one day if she wasn't so self concise and hating who she was. But all in all she wished life was just sunshine and rainbows. Even tho her life is darkness, and sorrow.
Wow Amiya is so popular, and happy.. I wish I was her
But you really shouldn't.
by Sorrow.soul April 5, 2017
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