boy: iv'e never used algebra before in real life
by brittanagleek#1 October 29, 2019
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Contrary to most of the uneducated definitions here, algebra is one of the most important things to learn if you don't like flipping burgers.
Algebra is confusing to idiots, but makes sense to people who want a life.
by adsims August 28, 2005
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An artform relating manipulation of numbers. The most important 'tool' in the understanding of the universe, and the very foundation for the advancement of human civilization so far.
People who find a 2nd degree polynomial complex, and furthermore cannot determine 'y' despite the fact the 'y' if the subject of the equation are in no position to define algebra: see definitino by Sodak
by Parametric November 9, 2004
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this is shit you dont wanna see when you grow older.
person 1: yo i got algebra
person2: really? im 4 years younger than you so idk
person1: its shit you dont wanna see
by Superdupercajaliststickcrispyd September 6, 2020
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1) A class that most people in the United States can't master because they are mentally lazy and weak and incapable of concentrating on anything for more than 2 seconds unless it will result in an orgasm.

2) The class kids in India, China, and Japan master by the age of 8 thanks to parents that respect education, work with the kids (because they can), and know the material themselves (because they don't sit around all night eating processed food and watching FOX News).

3) A class that American parents continually harass teachers about so the teacher will pass their little air sucking waste of tax dollars despite them being unprepared to move forward with their mathematical lives.

4) A mathematics course people call "dumb" because they can't pass it. also see oxymoron
Moron trying to do an algebra problem: It says x + 1 =

2 but I just don't understand why x is 1! I hate algebra!

I'm going to give up, stop thinking, and go play with

myself until I forget how dumb I am.

Indian/Chinese/Japanese parent: Did you finish your

Indian/Chinese/Japanese kid: Yes and I got them all

right because I read the book and didn't stop until my

answers matched the answers in the back of the book.
Indian/Chinese/Japanese parent: Well done! But prove

the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra now since

American math is made so easy for the fucktards, then

I will feed you!

Parent: He says he's trying hard and his tutor says he's knows the material.
Algebra Teacher: Your kid doesn't study and is manipulating you. If you keep fighting all his battles for him, you will do it the rest of your life while he lives in your basement downloading porn for a living.

Algebra is dumb!
by brutechute June 18, 2010
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A form of math invented by monks in the olden ye tymes to figure out what the hypotnuse of a triangle was.

Most of it is useless to you- only the easy stuff like 10x=30 is what you will actually use in life. Unless you become a computer programmer. Then you're screwed.

Relatively simple- only dumbasses say it's hard.
I took algebra in 6th grade- I got beat up alot. But that's when I realized the heavy ass book could be used to hit people on the head with. Huzzah.
by theshinykitty April 23, 2005
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