a code used among teens to define a girl's butt in reference to the 3 dimensions on a graph. Z axis is how much it sticks out. Y axis is how tall it is. X axis is how wide it is.
by SMDWCE3 January 29, 2009
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When a friend does something that is particularly unfriendly. Anytime someone does something mean or inappropriate.

Originated from "Flight of the Conchords" when Murray shows Jemaine and Bret his "friends chart." The y axis on Murray's friend chart represents the level of friendship and the x axis shows the time line.

When Bret and Jemaine are mean to Murray and his other friend they are dropped on the y axis to the point of being at the "stranger" level on the chart.
Murray: "You drilled holes in my desk. That's a drop on the y axis..."
by Grymm Deth February 8, 2010
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What you should tell strangers your age is because they are creepy and will remember stuff like that.
Creepy Pedophile: Hey you! How old are you?
Smart Kid: -7 on the Y axis!
Creepy Pedophile: WTF?
Smart Kid: *runs away*
by XEsay October 14, 2008
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