
1.) An unattractive male homosapian with only one eye brow. He thrives off of blumkins and rainbow kisses. Also, they always have mega hot sisters.
by MMZ August 14, 2008
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When a dude is fucking a chick from behind and at the climax of his orgasm slits her throat.
I weisel snyped your mom bitch...
by Randy Dunbarton February 15, 2005
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term of endearment used by coach Evans when refering to his receivers. Also an insult towards any asshole who brings misfortune upon you. Great for road rage.
I cant beleive you pissed all over my mom's bathrobe you small dick weisel mother fucker!!!
by -Hammer February 28, 2005
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someones annoying ankle biter dog that looks like a weisel, because its badly inbred.
i hope my sisters weisel terrier stops biting my ankles, before i croat that little fucker out.
by Thomas kight January 22, 2008
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gee ms. doherty you r real good at weiseling my cack
by brad December 14, 2004
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Surname. Pronounced "weh-sel"; the "i" is silent. This new surname can be given to you by a friend or vice versa.
Friend 1: His new last name is Weisel.
Friend 2: lol
Target: It's pronounced "weh-sel".
by March 5, 2022
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