Violette1st is a YouTube channel where they have a son named William that is an annoying and ungrateful piece of fat shit. He only cares about you when you have food or else he will ignore you and go back to playing his Xbox. Violette is the mom and she is also annoying. She is constantly yelling at everyone and talks to animals which is very werid. Bill is the dad and you guessed it! He is also annoying. Bill is a Fatass and is always sitting in the living room stuffing his mouth with Big Macs, little Debbie’s cakes and chips. He will call everyone a jerk, dingbat, etc.
Me: Violette1st is such an annoying YouTube channel
You: I agree
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a family on youtube that struggles with obesity really bad, they also struggle with fighting over the most stupidest shit ever such as:




burning stuff

and much more
me: ayo, have you seen violette1sts new youtube post?
some random person: nah man, what happened this time?
me: william shoved a cake into bills ass and threw some shit off the roof
some random person: bro wtf
by Hi I’m a ugly piece of crap :) September 15, 2023
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