Aside from being a character in Mortal Kombat, it can also mean someone has gave you the best head ever...They sucked the soul out of you (Shang Tsung takes souls ..... get it?)
Girl: You ever been Shang Tsunged? Boy:No,What's that? Girl:It means I'm gonna suck the soul out of you!
by Kiana_Monet November 15, 2011
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When you fuck her so good and lose all your energy after busting a nut, as if she stole your soul, you say that she gave you a Shang Tsung.
Yesterday I almost passed out after fucking Sarah. She gave me a Shang Tsung.
by B a l d i June 20, 2018
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A gentleman. Someone who exercises great restraing and has much honor. Opposite of a Spencer.
Wow, I never knew T.C. was such a Chun Tsung.
by lWClDylan February 10, 2005
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Ugly and smelly human being who stalks you where ever you go. A very thickskin person who includes himself into everything and doesnt realise that people hate him to the core even when people show it obviously
by everything i say is accurate October 24, 2017
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A big brolic Chinese man who says niggasammich and eats a lot of fucking rice his dick is basically a 3rd leg and his balls are so hairy it’s like jumanji
dam Tsung chi shih has a forest down there with his third leg
by BigDickTeez February 5, 2022
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The moment you realise you've been majestically beaten in ping pong.
by Hostesses November 29, 2013
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