Transgender is an umbrella term for people who dont identify as the gender they were assigned with at birth.

Ftm- female to male- born a female, and transitioned to male
Mtf- male to female- born a male, and transitioned to female.
(All are valid)
James: "hey girl wanna hang later?"
Tyler: "Hun i told you i am transgender"
James: " i apologize, man, i forgot. Ill try harder to remember next time"
Tyler: "thank you :)"
by EthanChips July 25, 2022
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A person who does not identify as there sex because they feel like it is incorrect. They do not choose being trans. (They are real and peoe tend to not belive this facts...)
She is transgender and shouldn't be harmed because of it.
by This_Is_Life April 13, 2016
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When ones biological sex does not match up with their gender identity. This includes non binary people. There are 2 categories under the Transgender umbrella. Trans binary, and trans non binary. Trans binary is transferring from male to female or female to male. Trans non binary is going from your biological sex to a gender that isn't male or female. (Ex. Agender, non binary, gender fluid, trans masc, trans fem, bi gender.)
Person 1: Hey, I want you to know that I am transgender.
Person 2: Cool! What pronouns do you want me to use
Person 1: *insert pronouns they are comfortable with*
by We.are.human July 8, 2020
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Someone whom is born with a male or female body and has the opposite brain.

FTM Transgender: Person born female with a male brain.

MTF Transgender: Person born male with a female brain.

Most importantly it is NOT a mental illness.
I am transgender.

He is transgender.

She is transgender.
by Purple Wolfie October 28, 2018
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Identifying as a different gender from the one you were assigned at birth.
Sex reassignment surgery, also known as gender reassignment surgery and several other names, is a surgical procedure by which a transgender person's physical appearance and function of their existing sexual characteristics are altered to resemble those socially associated with their identified gender.
Another example,if your name is Zach (boy) and you are now a female,you can change your name. And your actual name is now your dead name.
by Quinn567 June 25, 2021
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an adjective for someone whose gender does not correspond, or does not fully correspond, to their assigned sex.
by djentlequeer March 2, 2015
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