n.- An air possessed by one of equal part swagger and magnificence. (One who possesses this trait is "swagnificent.")
"The air Liberace is so revered comes in part from his air of swagnificence."
by curtis meyer February 13, 2010
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When a person has a swag that goes beyond the atmosphere of awesomeness!
You are just so swagnificant!!

The swagnificance of your presence blows my mind!
by AMIZZEL CREW FOR LIFE September 18, 2011
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Fly,cool,splended in appearence grand or noble in deed.
man those air forces are swagnificent dog!
by Smith 206 May 15, 2008
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having swag at the purest level. appearance, style, a way of carrying yourself; earned respect
I thought I was looking good but my boy Edgar came http://www.urbandictionary.com/add.phpin the club looking swagnificent.
by swarles barkley February 10, 2009
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Overly magnificent, to such a degree that logic is no longer applicable, useful, or relevant.
That Odd Future concert last night was fucking swagnificent.
by Baggin' Swaggin' Barry August 6, 2012
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having lots of swag and being magnificent
that gnar jump was swagnificent
by Mack Sali April 3, 2009
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A word that clearly is used to describe one beautiful individual by the name of Anidale :)
by YourCanadianBabyBoo August 29, 2011
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