Suagao is generally a very happy person. She likes to bottle up her emotions and hates to show weakness to those she cares about, or to anybody in particular. She has many acquaintances but a small inner circle full of her closest friends. She is a an average smart person and she likes to do physical activities if she’s in the mood. She’s pretty moody and bipolar however, and she can’t really control it. She’s an understanding person and doesn’t judge what you tell her unless necessary. She’s usually a brutally honest person and hates people that lie to her. She doesn’t lie a lot, she just keeps things to herself. She gets embarrassed pretty easily if it is personal, and also gets scared quite easy if in a good mood. Has a couple phobias that she doesn’t like to admit, and she cares too much about people that don’t deserve it. It’s easy for her to like someone, it takes a while for her to love someone, and it takes her quite a while to fall in love with someone, for she is afraid of getting hurt. She has big trust issues but manages to make friends easily. She’s pretty quiet unless you’re close to her or unless she’s comfortable. She is a big fan of a lot of fandoms and is also a big flirt, she flirts naturally most of the time she doesn’t even know she’s doing it.
Person 1: Suagao is pretty quiet, is she shy?
Person2: Her? Nah bruh you should see her with us, she’s crazy and loud af!
by smeldey June 2, 2019
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