He is a very swag person and you should definitely go follow him on tik tok👍
Cool dude: yo Storm..cosplays just posted!

Other cool dude: really? Ill go check it out
by Veryverycoolmanguy June 25, 2021
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A Dimentio Kinnie with a thing for jesters who thinks that I, a Count Bleck kinnie, am into Ed Sheeran. I’m not into Ed Sheeran.
When will Storm..cosplays stop saying I’m into Ed Sheeran when he’s into a precure villain?
by Eanaro June 25, 2021
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1. A really cool guy who caused it always to be clown time
2. Someone who thinks I can not jinx stuff, like loosing his eyeliner but finding his wigcap
"Hey go follow Storm..cosplays because if you do you know it is always clown time"
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