A person who is prone to casual daydreaming, devil-may-care carelessness and forgetfulness. For most purposes, the word is synonymous with stoner.
'Gary forgot to bring those gauzes into uni AGAIN today.'
'Jesus, what a spacer!'
by Dough-Planet February 3, 2008
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Spacers are a loose but growing sub culture of people who are spacey but smart in a way, very into heavy and or spacey music. often sciency, fringey, nerdy. Progressive, maverik, independent mix nerd, punky, cosmic hippie. Often a stoner or ex stoner, Into space / sci fi, fantasy themes, strange, acid tinged, other worldly especially in music.

detached, mental, loner, preoccupied, wanderer, self absorbed, doesn't fit in, far out. Attention deficit, Natural or drug enhanced.

lost, somewhere else, scatter brained, not popular, weirdo, bubble head, trippy, deep, easily distracted, flaky, mind floater, distant, alien mind set. unfocused, dreamy, floating through life. psychedelic drugs Or naturally

Heavy, weird, psychedelic stoner music, fringe culture. Truly alternative minded people.

A hawkwinder. A punky heavy metal spacer. A kraut rocker. Space punk. Stonerd. A Space rocker.

People often Into aliens, weirdness, mysterious stuff, space, stars, planets, moons, astronauts psychedelic or often mystical themes on clothes, artwork, social media profiles.

Really into out door festivals and light-shows. Loves NASA and 60's space age stuff.

edgy. Kinda a post punk neu age hippy ecclectic. Very fond of heavy underground, experimental and or progressive music originating from the classic hard rock and punk era. An outward or inward Cosmic mindset. Sci fi / science mindset. Open minded
I was at this music festival sitting around a campfire smoking a bowl with a bunch of spacers, talking about aliens cryptids and area 51 and shit. It was awesome.
by Mead's Mead August 14, 2019
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Someone who is addicted to MySpace and all he/she talks about is MySpace. See MySpace whore.
Dude, you haven't showered in a week and you've been one MySpace forever. Stupid ass spacer.

some scene kid: OMG! I <3 MYSPACE! It's like crack!
Me: stfu you damn spacer. They aren't even really your friends
by Cerpin Taxxt October 29, 2006
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"My friend cindy is a spacer, signing in numerous times a day."
by Andrew Tseng October 26, 2006
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A person who is prone to casual daydreaming, devil-may-care carelessness and forgetfulness. For most purposes, the word is synonymous with stoner
'Gary forgot to bring those gauzes into uni AGAIN today.'
'Jesus, what a spacer!'
by Dough-Planet January 30, 2008
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the screen that musicians use over the mic so it is clearer
yo dawg how much was your mic and spacer
by Vibez July 13, 2005
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Things that go into your ears that make the hole in them larger.They come in various sizes.14gauge - 12gauge-10gauge - 8gauge - 6gauge up to 00gauge. Usually used by scene kids.
Person 1: Yo ! Guess What?
Person 2: What ?
Person 1: The Spacers in my ear are now 00 gauge
Person 2: Awesome !
by xx.mounir.xx March 23, 2007
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