A triangular trace of global dimensional figures that is similar to the pyramid and its ancient hierarchical messages written in texts. Featured on Kahiem Roel's album Trap Davinci and is defined as a fortune that gives pleasure of completing one's mission in the form if triangular traced dimension in the coventry of god.
Kahiem Roel has SimpSet making Spotify an elite music streaming network.
by Jinaist Policies May 14, 2021
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ROEL'S kadarism of less discipline and uncountable women sexual fantasy stimulant sex. The JaiMarxism of his religion defeats all shaded portion of dark effect of the mind frame curing euphoria of schizophrenia which all laughter is compensated five percent with image of the tri LOKA in JaiMarxism satisfying all blood types with sexually driven women with bodily diaphragm of attachment to ROEL. A triangular prism folding shield protection from all criminal intention.
SimpSet Corpus Christi Keith Roeloka Soleimy jinazi I got flag with a flash from a pipe paparazzi
by JaiMarxism April 29, 2022
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