He is someone who looks like Veronel and it's a really nice guy. 10/10 would wanna be friends with him
Dude, you are so cool, you are like Shinsuke
by WhywasFredtaken? November 14, 2020
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Shinsukism is a worship of Shin Tsukimi from the game Your Turn to die and ONLY him !
Person1: does it exist a religion of Shin Tsukimi?

Pers 2: Yea is called Shinsukism
by Kokichis Sock's April 7, 2021
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Is a religion where u worship Shin Tsukimi from the Game Your Turn To Die
Pers 1: it exist a religion for Shin Tsukimi?
pers2: yea is called Shinsukism
by Kokichis Sock's April 7, 2021
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as inarizaki’s captain, kita shinsuke is the most underrated, sweet, adorable, and loving character in haikyuu. he’s also a hottie! people say his hair is really ugly, but they just have shitty taste.
person one: “hey, who’s kita shinsuke?”

person two: “oh! he’s the best character ever! you should definitely stan him.”
by ilyreinerbraun February 20, 2021
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He is the captain of Inarizaki, and is jersey number 1. He is underrated by most people, and is honestly a great player. He doesn't show much emotion but he's still great. n e ways. I love him.
Kita Shinsuke is a great volleyball player!
by Yamaguchi Tadashi November 14, 2020
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A male whose most likely a giant fan of fortnite and probably looks like a piece of broccoli.
Individual 1 - Hey! Did you see Shinsuke at all?

Individual 2 - The Broccoli kid's probably just trying to win a Victory Royale, dude.

Individual 1 - Man, Shinsuke seriously loves that game doesn't he?
by SadAsshole November 10, 2018
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