When you shove your penis into a females ear.

And cleaning it with your penis.
Man: I Q-tipped my girl last night, that shit was dirty
by Kx250f October 1, 2010
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A private nickname Shin-Ae gives Kousuke in the webtoon"I Love Yoo"
"I can't stay at this party any longer after ruining that Q-tip's suit... curse this hunger of mine..." - Shin-Ae Yoo's inner monologue after her first encounter with Kousuke Hirara
by dragonfly-her? August 23, 2019
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A little white stick with cotton swabs on either end. Useful for sticking in a bodily orifice where a finger can't reach
little johnny swabbed his asshole with a Q-tip and presented it to his mother
by Winnie The Shit November 9, 2003
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Super smooth rapper of Tribe Called Quest fame
fartsman: hey q-tip, those are some funky fresh jams
q-tip: thanks!
by fartsman July 9, 2005
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a person of much older age (60-80s) that still are some what capable of driving, all you can see is there little old white hairs creeping over the steering wheel.
This is crazy that q-tip can't drive for nothing, its immpossible for them to see over the wheel of that lincoln town car.
by court December 5, 2004
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Blue-ish stick with cotton on both sides

Used to remove what is most likely dead thoughts from the ear
man, you need to use a q tip
by Skan July 3, 2006
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The frontman for the legendary hip hop group from Queens, A Tribe Called Quest who is often called abstract. He did most of the rapping and writing along with Phife Dawg and has gone solo. A lyrical genius and one of the smoothest rappers in the game.
Who is that guy who left his wallet in el segundo? That was q-tip.
by muddahfuckah123456789776347876 February 21, 2013
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