One of the most French last names an individual can have. Pronounced 'Prue', it looks like a cruel joke to any teacher or telemarketer trying to pronounce this name correctly. Also, anyone with the last name Prue, your ancestors are pushovers
Telemarker: Hi, may I please speak with Mr....Pro-lex

Proulx: Its pronounced Proulx (Prue)... you inconsiderate prick.
by datrueproulx August 30, 2010
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One who wanders aimlessly as if high or drunk, randomly asking others odd questions. Often known as a total reject of society. Pretty much a crazy hobo, but with ZZ top style beard.
Girl: Look over there!
Boy: Holy shit it's a Proulx let's get out of here!
by Simon3335 February 3, 2009
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Being a Maïka Proulx is a mood that means that you're at the top of yourself, kind, funny, gorgeous, all things that will show to the world that you're the top 1.
You're such a Maïka Proulx today wow.
by RandomSkinnyDude September 18, 2020
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That fat bitch of a science teacher . Does so much coke, holy shit. That bitch can talk for hours like stfu
Person 1: I have mr proulx
Person 2: I hate that fat retard
by iWantToUnlive January 20, 2020
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usually has the head shaped like a moon
hey danny proulx i saw a cow jumping over you last night
by flying narwal November 23, 2011
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