Sheila had an O! when she awoke to Kevin sucking her nipple.

"I just had an O! when I changed my thong!" Lisa said.
by ThatGirlinRed April 1, 2007
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An attempt by the Omaha, Nebraska city betterment committee to create a slogan for the city. Unfortunately in their attempts, they didn't realize the sexual connotations that are now associated with it.
slogan-"Buy the Big 'O!'" Originally coined to keep commerce in Omaha businesses. Now means to go downtown and get a prostitute, or in some other way purchase a means of orgasm.
by Calvin Hobbes September 16, 2006
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This is the replacement for the word LOL which is a very overused word on the internet O! is a more useful word cause that is what you are rely doing when you say LOL
O! that was a funny joke
by MIKEY March 2, 2005
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it is someone with headphones on listening to music and enjoying it.
o(-. -)o: don't bother me i like this song.
by myfirstdeadpanda July 17, 2008
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A Triple Headed Shock Monster, also known as a THSM. A set of emoticons expressing extreme shock.
John: I killed a man again!
Abe: :o :o :o
John: Yeah... what?
by DaveyJones December 31, 2009
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An emoticon used to indicate the person is blushing, embarassed, etc.
person 1: zomg, do you really like him?!
person 2: um.. o////o
by dfskdshjdsahdsa April 13, 2006
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A face used to show the sad emotion.
From Janet: o(╥﹏╥)o

From Chad: Rough day?
From Janet: mhm
by googlyeyes77 April 28, 2018
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