Not to be confused with the rest of Virginia. More accurately considered part of D.C.
Person A: ew youre from Virginia- are you a redneck??
Person B: NO, i'm from Northern Virginia.
by Virginias4luverz November 29, 2004
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The northern part of virginia, comprised of suburbs of washington DC. Taxes collected in northern virginia are spent in southern virginia on poor people and farming equipment, while the people of northern virginia destroy their cars attempting to drive on roads full of pot holes and trash.
Southern virginia: you guys in northern virginia suck! you arent the south. stop calling us red necks and acting like rich yuppies!
Northern virginia: stop taking out tax money and calling us names, we cant help living slightly north of you, and we are NOT (all) rich. obviously you have not been to northern virginia.
by 70333333333 July 11, 2008
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Might as well be considered seperate from Southern Virginia. One day it'll happen, I'm sure. There's a totally different attitude up here in the north. I won't be as arrogant to say we're better though. NoVAns are always amused by visitors to the state who are in awe of the DC sights, and in my case, of Potomac Mills Mall. NoVAns tend to take a lot of our amazing resources for granted, unfortunately. We refuse to call our part of the state "southern, or respond without putting the "northern" in front of Virginia.
Person: So where do you live?
NoVAn: *NORTHERN* Virginia. Not the south. No.

NoVAn: Mehr. *has seen the Wash Memorial 50 times*
by krispie January 3, 2005
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Where I live!! its really different from the rest of Virginia, not better or worse just different. nobody really considers it southern, either, but a lotta people move here from the south. sum people think n.Virginia should be its own state but i think thats stupid... a lotta people from southern (and middle maybe?) Virginia think that northern Virginia is snobby and a disgrace to their southern state of Virginia. a lotta people from northern Virginia think southern Virginia is hick and northern Virginia is better. but umm, i dont.. some people say northern Virginia is wealthy and i used to think that i guess kinda but now i go to a different school and there are sum really, really ghetto people so i dont anymore.
by ~ March 11, 2005
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The assholes who think they're too good for PG County, but spend a lot of time driving through here.
That fucking northern Virginia asshole just cut me off I their Nissan maxilmata.
by Mad Max Times January 23, 2017
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the small yet powerful, democratic, sophisticated, rich, mixed-race part of virginia.
I am from northern virginia, not to be confused with the rest of virginia.
by ThatKidWhoGoesToYHS March 26, 2009
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The best place to live. Period. If you're not from northern virginia you're not worth talking to. If you're from Alexandria then I love you!
Me: Are you from Northern Virginia?
Bob: No, I'm from Maryland.
Me: Stop wasting my time.
by VAlover September 29, 2004
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